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シコクトゲオトンボ(Rhipidolestes aculeatus aculeatus)

It is a dragonfly that lives in the mountain stream of the Shikoku Mountains in Japan.

Thorn means "thorn tail" and is associated with a small thorn-like protrusion on the back of the 9th segment of the abdomen of a male.

The entire body is black with yellow spots on the chest, the forehead and limbs of mature males are vermilion, and females are orange-yellow.

The biggest feature of this group is that they dislike sunlight like Dracula.

Of course, it means that you can only live in a humid place. Originally, dragonflies are insects that look good on the bright sun. However, the members of the Togeo Dragonfly live in a dim and insidious space in the daytime, clinging to them.






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