(Camel cricket/female)
モデルサイズ:体長:25mm 全長:67mm 全幅:56mm 体高:20mm 全高:92mm
使用材料:真竹・晒竹 眼:ブルーターガーアイ2.0mm
Grasshopper, belong to the same family as the grasshopper, have a similar appearance, also in spite of the little harm to people, in Japan is called the moniker "toilet cricket", not less preferred.
Just look of the strange is ...Specially developed hind legs, long protruding ovipositor, long antennae, such as the cockroach, glossy and shiny body and spots such as prawn.
And dark and lurking in damp places, and encountered splashes at a phenomenal jumping ability, and even run from place to place with a movement that can not be anticipated. Perhaps there is sufficient quality to allow human beings to inspire fear and odiousness.
Use material : A long-jointed bamboo, Bleached bamboo
Eye : Blue Tiger Eye 2.0mm