オオカマキリ vs オニヤンマ
Tenodera aridifolia vs Anotogaster sieboldii
It can be said that both are fighting for the strongest Japanese insect.
The flight speed of Anotogaster sieboldii reaches as high as 70 km / h, and by moving 4 wings separately, you can make various flight such as sudden start, sharp turn, hover and so on.
Tenodera aridifolia is a ferocious carnivorous insect and catches living insects with the sickle of the forepaw and eats it.
A lot of sharp thorns are growing in the sickle, and if you get caught by this you can not get out easily.
It prey on small reptiles and there is even cannibalism.
I tried to reproduce the battle of such strongest fellows
オオカマキリは獰猛な肉食昆虫であり、生きた昆虫を前足の鎌で捉えて食べてしまいます。 鎌には鋭いトゲが沢山生えており、これに捕まると簡単に抜け出すことはできません。 小さい爬虫類ぐらいなら捕食してしまい、共食いすることすらあります。